By Jesse Parent
Photography: Jay Dash,
From the ninth-floor window in 4 Triad Center, I watched a thunderstorm scrape its claws along Draper. A Massachusetts boy working in downtown Salt Lake, looking at the sun and lightning brothered together. I picked up my best friend, Jake, from the airport and we drove to Wendover to see the Earth curve on a salted horizon. Jake put a tumbleweed in a box to take back East. The Delta ticket agent couldn’t believe a box so big could be so light. How something that should be moving could be contained. I stayed friends with Jake until he tried to kill me in his kitchen back in Swansea. I changed jobs before the tornado hit downtown. At least here I could see the storm coming.
Jesse Parent is a multiple-time finalist at international poetry competitions such as the Individual World Poetry Slam, the National Poetry Slam and the Ontario International Poetry Slam. His poetry has been seen by millions of people all over the world.