By Andrew Dash Gillman

You: bristlecone pine. Later, checking my phone:
Pinus longaeva. Western. Intermountain. I knew you as “Great Basin.” What are you doing here?

It is you: needles bundled in fives. Characteristically gnarled. Weathered. Stout.

High above Price Canyon. Seven, eight thousand feet above the sea. Plateau. Old growth pine. Wind whipping.

Speckled rock against ribboned trunk. Inanimate and once-animate. Merged with time. Over time. Coexisting. Bare bones and alive. Finding a way to live. To thrive. Fully alive or just hanging on? Rooted —

A place, at times, inhospitable. But home. Hundreds of years. For a thousand years. A sometimes neighbor, a good neighbor. Vulnerable to fire. A fire, they say, that is imminent. You belong here. You are what here is. What am I doing here?

Andrew Dash Gillman promotes responsible travel at the Utah Office of Tourism. He has written for Edible Wasatch, Utah CEO and FilmUtah, and has been working on a novel for about seven years. His leisure time is consumed by running with podcasts, hiking with dogs and camping throughout Utah. He truly unplugs while cooking, oil painting and gardening.