By Louis Borgenicht
Photography: VisitUtah.com
We were fly fishing on the Upper Provo one Yom Kippur, something we did every Jewish holiday of atonement. Three of us did a Fish and Fast instead of fasting in synagogue for a day. We did this without guilt.
Steve was fishing at the Woodland Bridge and caught his Parachute Adams on a branch of an overhanging aspen. I was walking downstream and as I turned the corner saw a great blue heron rise from the stream — an amazing and unexpected moment.
A week later I went to the Woodland Bridge. Took my favorite place in the stream and started fishing. I noticed Steve’s Parachute Adams hanging from the tree. I tied it on my leader and caught a 16-inch brown trout. Karma.
Louis Borgenicht is a retired pediatrician. He writes letters to the editor of The Salt Lake Tribune and the Deseret News and plays harmonica in the acoustic blues band Better Off With the Blues.